Monday, February 25, 2008

1st term........DONE

Hi...I have finished our first term of second year without exams, it´s true... Are you thinking if we have holidays?? of course.......NOOOOO. Last week I had a Physiology Training Course in Lumiar Base, so I will have only 3 days to rest.The course ran very well but I have been operated on my nose. In the course I had classes about physiology, Egress and many others about our body capacities. We had simulators of night vision, Ejection, Spatial Orientation and finally we had a flight into a hypobaric chamber. In this hypobaric chamber we flew up to 35000 feet and made some experiments such as trying to breathe without masks, speaking with mask, and many important exercises to get to know better our body capacities. But now I´m at home and i´m studying to do some work on Physical Training, English Grammar and studying some books about our aircraft "Chipmunk".Next Thursday we will start our second term, and we have to be prepared.

Aeronautic Greetings to everybody

Hi, Jorge!
What was the matter with your nose? Hope you are ok now and you can start the new semester in 'good shape'. Work is waiting for us. See you on Thursday, then!
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